welp, it’s june already.

yep, time flies past really quick. i know i haven’t posted lots recently, and i apologize, school work is slowly but surely getting to me because i have

  • a written exam for French in, at the time of writing this, 2 days (on Thu. June 15th)
  • a spoken exam for French in 13 days (on Mon. June 16th)

i still can’t believe that the school year is almost over now, in my mind it was only yesterday that it started, yet we’re already hands deep in exam works

i’ve only known my current close irl friend group for like a year now but it feels like they have stuck with me for an eternity, maybe because unlike my previous irl friend groups they actually care about me?

i’ve never had great connections to anyone irl which is why the internet is kind of my refuge, my sanctuary where, apart from the casual dickhead that appears once in a while, pretty much everyone is wholesome and aims to just have a good time

i will never be thankful enough for a lot of friends though, which is why i still want to give them special mentions (without links because i’m too lazy, most of them you’ll be able to either find online or on my end of 2022 post) (note i’ve opted to use nicknames instead of irl names in an effort to maintain a sense of privacy (and because their names aren’t relevant to who they are anyway)):

  • Harmonia (IRL)
  • Akira/Delta/whatever the fuck nickname she uses right now because she has like 58 (IRL)
  • Kai Yoitsugo (IRL)
  • Alorthios (IRL)
  • ThomasRemastered (IRL)
  • Furious_Boom (IRL)
  • Aym57 (IRL)
  • Alex (IRL)
  • Milla (Cambridge)
  • Nim (Cambridge)
  • Mark (Cambridge)
  • Lant(erns/a) (Cambridge)
  • Oshisaure (Cambridge)
  • Gizmo (Cambridge)
  • Chronosaga (Cambridge)
  • HammrTime (Cambridge)
  • the francophones (see website)

thank you all again for not being jackasses like most of my other previous friends, good luck with finals for my irl friends, and i’ll see you all in another blogpost sometime in the next millenium or so.