well guys, 2022 is almost over. what a wild year it’s been.

seriously, a lot happened this year:

  • getting covid
  • stepping further into discovering myself
  • spending 20k€ on going electric
  • going to mcdonald’s on a school day (because it was the first school year where i can’t go home to eat so i have to stick around the school)
  • bringing our maths teacher into our stupidities
  • debating about EXIF metadata
  • beating everyone at kahoot by a decent margin (including the class’s top student (if you’re reading this, hey, good luck for the french test on tuesday))
  • completely changing my visual identity (thank you Vince, you’re an absolute god with figma)
  • going to brittany (imo one of the best french regions to go on vacation to)
  • meeting Vince for the first time IRL
  • stepping further into discovering myself (again)
  • testing out a new name (you’ll never know 😈) and new pronouns (they/them)
  • starting my invisalign treatment
  • spending another 20k€ on going plug-in hybrid
  • starting to learn how to drive
  • starting the new school year
  • picking up splatoon 3 (love that franchise, it means a heck of a lot to me)
  • completely redesigning my website
  • starting the blog you are currently reading
  • picking music production back up
  • trying linux
  • passing a french exam (proud about that one tbh)
  • contributing to Pronote+
  • commencing another redesign of my website
  • starting the production of a new social media project with my friends Azgar, Vince, Locness and, the founder of the project, Luna
  • getting covid again
  • tasting the pleasure of VR
  • getting a VR headset of my own
  • hosting a raclette party with my friends (truly fire 🔥🔥🔥)
  • destroying my intestines with said raclette

but most importantly, improving relations with my friends and forming probably some of the closest bonds i’ve ever had (it’s amazing how in a year my friends have given me so much more affection and consideration than my parents over the course of my entire life), and tbf i’m super grateful for having such close IRL and non-IRL friends, absolutely love all of you guys

that reminds me that i wanted to specifically shout out a couple of you friends:

  • Milla from the Cambridge staff team (the discord about the game, not the uni, i’m not that old)
  • Nim from the Cambridge staff team
  • Mark (more active on discord) from the Cambridge staff team

(by now you’ll’ve realized i’m going to shout out everyone from the Cambridge staff team)

  • Lanterns (link goes to his game reccomendation blog), again from the Cambridge staff team
  • Oshisaure from the Cambridge ex-staff team, quite good game dev
  • CylinderKnot from the Cambridge staff team (i love my staff colleagues)
  • Gizmo from the Cambridge staff team yet again (do check his website, there’s lots of cool stuff)
  • Stratus from the Cambridge ex-staff team
  • and finally HammrTime from the Cambridge staff team
  • the other active members of the Cambridge community
  • the friends mentioned above: Azgar, Vince, Locness Luna, with the addition of delnyn
  • Sam/kevadesu, swiss dork
  • Lap
  • my IRL friends, including but not limited to Aym57
  • Clembs

and that’s about it for the special shout outs!

here’s to an amazing 2023, hopefully with less covid! there’s also some cool things i want to mention that are going to be happening next year:

(note the schedule is not final and is only based on in-house speculation (we still have a bit of design and backend work to do)) (2023 edit: development is currently stagnating a little as everyone in the team is completely immerged in school work, we’ll be back soon though don’t worry :D)

  • Cambridge 0.4 (coming at least in 2023, at most 2060 (i hope))
  • Blazenet 1, whenever i feel like it
  • Symbio, whenever i feel like it again (and i figure out how to do depth tracking)

thank you for reading, luv you and best wishes for 2023!!