wow holy damn i haven’t been here in a while

so uh. big things underway.

the personal stuff

  • fuck the school system i’m finally entering uni
    • i’ve been waiting for this for literal years and i’m glad that’s over
    • what that means is i’m entering a more flexible system that grants me a tad more freedom over what i want to do in my free time
    • but that also means growing responsibilities
    • on that note my bank account is probably going to get dented with the current rhythm festival on steam (and also a working pair of headphones)
  • my room has been entirely rearranged to fit my priorities
    • we moved the array of game consoles, computer shit and tv down to my room, swapped out my bed and optimized space
    • which results in more free space, so i can move around more freely
  • not moving out yet despite wanting to
  • been feeling kinda down lately for various reasons
  • and i’ve come to a point where my impulsivity starts to cause problems:
    • i have many projects that i’ve started, or that i’ve begun to work on, and barely stuck with for the past 8 years or so, and it makes it quite difficult to focus on projects i actually wholely care about
    • so i’m going to have to do a massive cleanup, determine what’s useful, what isn’t, and what i actually want to do

so this brings me into

cool shit i’m going to work on

biggest shit first

  • Papillon v7: it’s a huuuuge major version with lots of cool new features and structural changes that should improve both UX and DX, it’s going to drop on august 25th with app store releases around september
  • MindlessDanmaku: it’s a bullet hell, but it’s infinite: you pick your starting level and base kit, press start, and you can play until you die; you will be able to pick up powerups and different abilities as the game progresses
  • a cool project involving microsoft windows 10
  • more new stuff for Cambridge
  • a proper music game engine, that i can turn into a simulator for obscure early beatmania wannabe “VJ: Visual&Music Slap” by JALECO
  • getting good at music
  • videos????
  • getting good at UI/UX
  • myself
    • i really need self improvement


  • Milla from the Cambridge staff team (the discord about the game, not the uni, i’m not that old)
  • Nim from the Cambridge staff team
  • Mark (more active on discord) from the Cambridge staff team
  • Lanterns again from the Cambridge staff team
  • Oshisaure from the Cambridge ex-staff team, quite good game dev
  • CylinderKnot from the Cambridge staff team
  • Gizmo from the Cambridge staff team yet again (do check his website, there’s lots of cool stuff)
  • Stratus from the Cambridge ex-staff team
  • and finally HammrTime from the Cambridge staff team
  • the other active members of the Cambridge community
  • the Papillon circle, my early colleagues: Vince, Lucas, Mikkel, Yann
  • some of my closer friends: Vince, Locness, alex, delnyn, Jayden, DisPlot, Raiden, Aurora and Dekki
  • my IRL friends
  • Clembs