i literally cannot believe that it’s already september

as of the time of writing this, school starts in 3 days (tuesday, september 5th)

i have been waiting for SO LONG to get out of the school system and this is finally my last year inside of it. i can’t grasp the fact that this is my last year before university. my brain REFUSES to integrate that.

now, you may have noticed that my posting on social media platforms is extremely sporadic. it’s gonna get worse from here, for the simple reason that i am going to have a LOT of work this year (for context, verbal exams are one of my weakest points):

  • philosophy exam
  • maths exam
  • compsci exam
  • cambridge english assessment
  • huge tests in english and german
  • verbal tests in both foreign languages again
  • euro english exam (which iirc is mostly verbal)

and the biggest (and possibly the most taxing, both emotionally and in terms of study times) of all,

  • LE GRAND ORAL (verbal exam, where you have to prepare two questions (either one for each specialized class, or two that will mix both classes together) (specialized classes = maths and compsci in my case), one question will be picked by the 2 judges, and you have 5 minutes to develop an answer, after which the jury will question the ever living SHIT out of you)

to my irl and french friends reading this, we are so, SO FUCKED.

next blog post between october 2023 and june 2024 if i’m not overly exhausted by then.