today, friday 7th october 2022, marks the beginning of my linux journey. i will edit this article as time goes on to let you know about what’s happening

  • 17h57 CEST: about to boot to Nobara Linux using my USB, backing everything up from windows to my d drive
  • 20h03 CEST: Nobara Linux is running, battling to get it to write to my d drive because right now it’s in read only mode for whatever reason, i just hope it’ll be over soon because i’m about to fucking cry
  • 20h45 CEST: i have made the jump. finally. i am crying of joy

saturday october 8th

  • 19h29 CEST: linux doesn’t want to launch Shatterline, the only thing i asked it to do so i don’t know if i’ll keep it for much longer. and i’m knda pissed honestly. i’ve looked forward to switching to linux for so long but it’s these little nitpicks (including little audio glitches and the non-ability to play etterna) that are going to drive me the fuck away, sorrry linux but i feel windows might actually not have been that bad of an idea…
  • 19h59 CEST: ok i think Shatterline is going to launch, but even then there’s so much i lost along the way-
  • 20h03 CEST: nope, it’s not going to launch any time soon, guess i won’t give linux another day
  • 20h17 CEST: i think it’s the end now, i’m out, sorry Nobara but windows is just that more OOTB simple, come to think of it
  • 21h00 CEST: i’m switching back to windows, just waiting for the usb to create (which will take a while)
  • 22h28 CEST: pretty much done setting up windows

all in all, linux was a decent experience, but i just can’t bring myself to invest enough time into it. linux is just not for me.